In 2017, the Kirtland Garden Club established two scholarships to assist Roscommon and Houghton Lake High School seniors with their college or trade school expenses. Since initiation of the scholarships, over $6,000 has been raised by Kirtland Garden Club at their plant sale and annual garden tour from which a scholarship has been awarded to a Roscommon and a Houghton Lake High School senior each year. For 2024, an additional scholarship will be awarded for a Charlton Heston Academy senior.
Precedence is given to applicants who have an interest in science or engineering as it relates to improving our world. Strong consideration for this award is based on an individual’s good character, determination to succeed with their educational goals, self motivation and community service.
High academic standing and financial need are not prerequisites. The student’s motivation. attitude and respect for fellow students is also a strong component in this determination of merit and is obtained from letters of recommendation written by teachers and coaches.
Applications are now available with guidance department counsellors at Charlton Heston Academy, Roscommon and Houghton Lake High Schools.
Due dates this Spring for completed applications is April 16, 2024.