Growing Daylilies
If there's a "sure bet" perennial, it must be the daylily. They thrive in zones 3 to 9 (the Kirtland Garden Club is zone 4 here in Northern Michigan), and tolerate a wide variety of soil conditions, are not troubled by most diseases or pests, and bloom faithfully for years with virtually no attention. The daylily's botanical name, Hemerocallis, means "beauty for a day", and indeed most daylily flowers open in the morning and die by nightfall. However, each flower stem (also called a scape) typically has at least a dozen flower buds, so the plant stays in bloom for several weeks.
Unlike most perennials, daylilies are well-suited to many different uses in the garden and landscape. The shorter, more compact varieties work well planted directly into perennial borders, where their blooms provide a welcome mid-summer boost. In groups of 3 or 5, daylilies are ideal for landscape plantings, especially when paired with ornamental grasses and small shrubs. Daylilies are also the perfect plant for mass plantings along a fence or walkway, where they'll form a dense, weed-proof display.
Remember: Daylilies are NOT actually lilies, they’re called daylilies because their flower resembles that of an Asian or Oriental lily which are lilies, and the flowers only last one day.
The following scientific types of daylilies are just general information, but might explain things better if the need arises, no need to worry about this stuff – there won’t be a test:
Diploid: These cultivars have 22 chromosomes in the plant. They tend to have more numerous, but smaller flowers than tetraploids, and a graceful, old-fashioned form. Many double-flowered daylilies are diploids.
Tetraploid: These daylilies have 44 chromosomes. Tetraploid daylilies tend to have larger, more intensely colored flowers than diploids. They're also supported by stronger, sturdier scapes.
Miniature: These compact varieties range from 12 to 25 inches tall. Flowers are smaller, too. They're excellent for small spaces and for planting directly in the perennial border. These tend to be Diploid.
Dormant: The foliage of these cultivars dies back to the ground in fall regardless of the weather. These cultivars grow best in cold climates. Most daylily cultivars fall in this category. (these are the types we have in Northern Michigan).
Reblooming/constant: Some daylily cultivars will bloom a number of times during the summer. In general, daylilies have a main bloom period in summer, followed by intermittent blooms, often right up until frost. Removing the faded flower heads encourages reblooming. Stella D’oro daylilies are perfect examples of constant bloomers. These will need a little fertilizer boost around mid-summer to help them along, as the heavy bloom cycle tires out the plant,
Planting Care
Daylilies flower best when planted in full sun (6 hours/day), on moist, yet well-drained soil. In hot climates or if you use black mulch in strong sun, dark-colored cultivars should receive some afternoon shade to help them retain their flower color. When planted in the correct location, daylilies will flower for years with little care. They do not require fertilization other than a yearly addition of compost.
Warning: Daylilies are a deer magnet! Deer see daylilies as an All You Can Eat Salad Bar. They will eat flowers and plants alike. Plant in a protected area to avoid disappointment. Enough said, you were warned…
If buying daylilies by mail, plant them within a few days of receiving them. In Northern Michigan, daylilies should be planted in spring, so they have plenty of time to get established before winter. However, daylilies are such tough plants, that even in the North, most can be planted anytime from spring through fall.
Remember to soak the plant in water for an hour prior to planting to rehydrate it. Amend the soil with compost before planting. Space plants 12 to 18 inches apart and plant so the crown is about 1 inch below the soil surface. Water well and mulch with bark or straw to conserve moisture and prevent weeds from growing. Although resilient once established, young transplants should be kept free from weeds and well-watered the first year.
Dividing Daylilies
One of the few routine maintenance chores needed when growing daylilies is dividing them. Depending on their growth, your daylily clump will usually become crowded after four to five years and flowering will diminish. In the northern Michigan, early spring is considered the best option.
Dig up individual clumps and put them on a tarp. Use a sharp knife or spade to separate healthy young plants (fans) with strong root systems. Cut back the foliage and replant immediately in compost-amended soil or plant in containers for holding. You'll have many extra plants from each clump to give away to friends and neighbors. Discard any small or diseased plants.
Winter Care
In northern Michigan, newly planted daylilies should be mulched in late fall if planted in August or later. This is important for young plants which otherwise may be heaved out of the ground the first winter. Dead foliage can be removed in spring, unless it was diseased. In that case it is best to remove it in fall.