ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP FORM Name * First Name Last Name Email * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Winter Address - if applicable Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone-1 (###) ### #### Phone-2 (###) ### #### Birthday : Month / Day Favorite part of gardening: Special garden interests: I have problems with: What size is your garden: Small Meduim Large I would be interested in having my garden on the Garden Tour: Yes Possibly No What topics would you be interested in learning more about? Field trip suggestions: Name of any other gardening organization(s) you are a member of: Of the following positions/committees, which would you be interested in joining and/or learning more about? Chairman, Secretary , Treasurer, Historian, Program Planning, Garden Tour , Publicity, Donations/Disbursements, Plant Sale (Art Festival), Hostess, Beautification (flower beds at CRAF Center) Please list any questions you may have about the club? We welcome you to join us for our events. We often take photographs or videos of our events for historical and club promotional use. Your presence at the event constitutes your consent to be a part of our photo or video records. The photos may be used on our website and social media. Thank you!